I am excited to announce that we have integrated a product into Sunny that I love and personally use for all my estate related info- Everplans!
If you have ever heard us talk in the wild, you know we are BIG advocates of Everplans. Why? Because it serves as a treasure map showing your family where everything important is located.
We see so many of our clients have family members who die and may leave behind a Will, but no other instructions, leaving the surviving family members to scour through mail, email, devices, etc .to find the information they need to close out accounts, shut down services, and transfer assets.
Do you know how much information is not included in the Will that your family would need to know after your death?
- Where are your passwords?
- Where you keep all of your important docs like a deed, title, insurance policies, etc.?
- What is the passcode for your phone? Your computer?
- Who takes care of your pets when you’re gone?
- Who gets that antique desk that’s been in your family for 4 generations?
- What do you actually want done with your body when you die? Cremation? Burial? Other?
- What online accounts do you have in your name?
I have seen countless families agonize over these things. And then they hire Sunny Care Services to help them find the things they need to close out your life because it’s simply taking too much time and energy to figure it all out.
So, how does Everplans help with this problem?
Everplans is the most comprehensive online repository for estate related information I have seen. Not to mention it is easy to use. Everplans is a secure site that stores all of the big and small things your family would need to access if something were to happen to you. It also allows you to assign a family member or “deputy” to receive the information you uploaded to Everplans in the event you become incapacitated or die.
I have personally used Everplans for several years and I am so excited to be able to officially offer it to our clients.
How Sunny offers Everplans to you:
- Any client who signs up for Estate Doc Organization OR Executor Services receives an Everplans account included in their package price.
- We do an intake meeting with you where we get all the info needed to fill out your Everplans account.
- If there’s information you don’t have such as copies of property deeds, marriage certificates, etc., we help you collect these or order where necessary.
- We then upload all of your info into Everplans.
- We review your Everplans account and information with you and then give you the keys. You can update your information at any time and assign your own “deputies”.
- To make sure your information stays current, we schedule a yearly check in with you and update your Everplans with any new info..all included in our services.
Best part of this? Now you have an advocate who knows where everything is and can advise your family if something happens to you. Sunny can guide your family through all the info in Everplans and provide context and info where there may be none. Sunny will also be there to assist your family with any close out activities that need to be done.
Have questions? Reach out or submit them in our FAQ page! Everplans also has an FAQ page that covers things like how deputies access your information when they need it, how secure the Everplans site is and so on! I encourage you to check it out as well!