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Our blog is focused on providing practical resources and tools for families that are navigating aging and loss.

Money You may be Forgetting: Paypal, Venmo and Other Money Transfer Apps

As part of my business, I help families find assets in their lost loved one’s names. Of course, you initially think this means forgotten stocks, life insurance policies, 401ks, unclaimed property etc., but something that is even new for me is finding untapped funds within money transfer accounts. If your lost loved one had a money transfer app, they could be leaving behind balances on those accounts that could mean money back to your family.

What we like about Everplans

I am excited to announce that we have integrated a product into Sunny that I love and personally use for all my estate related info- Everplans!

If you have ever heard us talk in the wild, you know we are BIG advocates of Everplans. Why? Because it serves as a treasure map showing your family where everything important is located.

Grief and Loss in Quarantine

Here’s the hard and unfathomable thing about this pandemic- people are still losing family members to causes unrelated to COVID-19.

Did You Know? Unclaimed Property Overview

I remember having a meeting with Andrew Mitchell when I first started Sunny Care Services and he suggested I add an unclaimed property search to my client service checklist. β€œUnclaimed Property? What is that?” I thought. β€œAnd what are the odds that someone would have land/house/cars/etc in their name and not know about it?”.

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