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Our blog is focused on providing practical resources and tools for families that are navigating aging and loss.

Websites for Organizing Estate Documents Online

In last week’s blog post we talked all about where your friends and family may have stored their important documents-anywhere between logical places like a safe to the more unknown places to check like…the kitchen freezer. It can feel like you are on a treasure hunt, but not a fun kind.

What to Consider When Moving a Loved One into Senior Living

I built Sunny Care Services with the main focus of helping families who are in the transitional season after losing a loved one, however sometimes I get questions asking if we also help people in the transition of going through a divorce or after having a child, and my answer to that is β€œnot yet.” Maybe one day!

How to Close out Social Media Accounts for Your Lost Loved Ones

Something that we will need to address more and more as we deal with loss is needing to close out social media and other online presences for our lost loved ones. But why should you even care to close out a family member’s social media account? To secure their identity.

What to Do if You Only Have a Digital Copy of the Will?

A few weeks ago, we featured a blog post on online document storage sites for estate-related documents. While we agree that storing your documents online is a great back up location, it cannot be stressed enough that physical copies of documents still reign supreme in the world of estates.

Your Estate Organization Checklist

We ask this question a lot-What if something happened to you tomorrow? Is everything organized and in order so that you aren’t leaving a huge headache behind for your loved ones?

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